adnan's kitchen


  • Mille Feulle dough
  •  One Egg
  •  Sugar
  •  Vanilla or Rose Water
  •  Milk
  •  Raisins
  •  Nuts : Pistachio, almonds etc.
  •  Butter
  •  Cream



Um Ali
Legend has it that a sultan, who started to feel hungry during a hunting trip in the Nile delta. The hunting party stopped for food at a poor village along the way. The locals called upon their best cook, Umm‘Ali, to feed the hungry monarch. She filled a large pan with the little they had – scrapings of stale wheat flakes with bits of nuts – and put it in the oven together with milk and sugar. It was so well received that the sultan went back again and thus the dessert became known by its creator.


Adnan's Kitchen
Um Ali



  1. Bake dough until golden then cut into  squares and place in a container.
  2. Mix egg, sugar, vanilla or Rose Water and milk, and pour onto the bread.
  3. Place in one Pyrex oven container or in individual ones.
  4. Add Raisins, nuts, milk, some butter and cream.
  5. Bake in oven until golden.
  6. Serve hot